
I live in the poetry you can't write.

My key characteristics

I’m always looking for ways
to make a positive impact.


My Mission

I take pride in helping my clients achieve their goals, whether it be through increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, or building a strong online presence.


My Goals

Whether I’m developing a content strategy, writing blog posts, or optimizing an eCommerce website for search engines, I’m always looking for ways to innovate and deliver exceptional results.


Why Me?

After close to 7 years of experience with SaaS & B2B eCommerce, I’ve worked with hosting companies, web designers, WordPress publications, and eCommerce blogs. Besides I’m super organized!


Pleased Collaborators

Heartfelt words reflecting our shared journeys to success

Amazing Experience

Syed Laden has been exceptional, truly a man of his word. Initially, when he stepped in to helm my digital agency, I was at a loss for where to begin. Remarkably, he transformed Yeemotico from its nascent stages into one of New York’s premier Web Development Agencies.